Swan Group are delighted that South Ayrshire Council’s Regulatory (Planning) Panel has voted in favour of approving an enhanced Masterplan and revised major retail development at the Corton site based in Southeast Ayr.
The latest proposals include changes to an existing consent to provide a more environmentally friendly and sustainable development. The new consent will deliver an increase in residential unit numbers from 750 to 850, helping to provide much-needed new homes to the area.
The development will also include new major infrastructure, a primary school, community meeting space, a mixed-use neighbourhood centre, office/business provision and a major retail development. The retail development, which will serve as a local centre for Southeast Ayr, will also include three restaurants with drive-thru facilities; circa 400 car parking spaces; and a petrol filling station with EV charging facilities.
Along with the built development, Corton will also see a considerable number of trees planted along with the creation of 4 hectares of new wildflower meadows and enhanced watercourses including 2 hectares of new wetland habitats significantly improving local biodiversity. A new community parkland; orchard; and food growing areas will also feature in the development area.
Phil McGinlay, Managing Director of Swan Group Said:
‘Gaining planning approval at Corton is a very proud moment for the Swan Team, huge congratulations to all the team for getting this one over the line.
Welcoming the approval for this development is not only exciting for Swan Group but also for the South Ayrshire Community, enabling the delivery of 850 well needed new homes in addition to a new neighborhood centre and new retail park, is something that we should all be delighted with.’
Corton is the initial phase of the Council’s allocated urban expansion area within Southeast Ayr with the overall site able to accommodate circa 2,700 homes. Momentum is now in place to secure the delivery of Southeast Ayr and developers are working with the Council to implement their respective phases of development. Swan Group are co-ordinating infrastructure Works to commence April 2024 with completion targeted October 2025.
Corton will deliver one of the largest and most significant developments for Ayr and South Ayrshire, delivering much-needed housing, retail and services to support this sustainable new community. Other significant economic benefits include around 550 jobs through the construction stages and around 780 new jobs that would be created following construction as the development progresses.
Swan Group are eager to bring the development to fruition and are delighted with the outcome of their recent planning applications. Considering the size of the scheme and complexities of the planning applications, the team’s resilience and expertise was key to unlocking the full potential of the Corton site.
Derek Smith, Director of Swan Group, said:
“Swan Group are delighted to obtain the recent Planning approvals with support and significant involvement from the Project Team for Corton. There have been many challenges to resolve over the last 2 years and this achievement now allows the Infrastructure Works contract to proceed unlocking the various mixed use opportunities at Corton. This project will help secure employment and provide many employment opportunities for the future.”
Michael Westwater/Bob Salter of Geddes Consulting, who coordinated and progressed the planning applications on behalf of Swan Group, confirmed:
“This has been a significant and complex project seeking to deliver one of the largest urban expansion developments in the West of Scotland. Geddes Consulting is pleased to have supported Swan Group in reaching this point and we are delighted with the outcome of the recent Regulatory (Planning) Panel decision to support the changes proposed in this development. This allows the proposals to progress and will eventually deliver much-needed new homes, facilities and infrastructure to meet the future needs of Ayr.”
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