Construction Update: Newhall Street Progress Video

June 14, 2023

Swan Group is Excited to Share a Construction Update Video Demonstrating Progress at Newhall Street!

As we are nearing the halfway point of the construction timeframe, the Group wanted to share an overview of Newhall Street and the progress so far. Please take a look at the video below demonstrating the various phases of construction progress up to this point, thanks to Blue Girrafe Imaginging for this amazing video! As you’ll see Blocks 1 and 2 are in great shape and provide an insight as to what the full development will look like once fully completed.



Swan Group is delighted with the progress so far and eager to see how it takes shape throughout the year, pushing on to completion and delivery next year. Please keep an eye out for future updates on the Newhall Street development, in addition to posts relating to other pipeline sites such as Royston Road and Corton.

Videography Credit: Blue Giraffe Imaging

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